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Mercian Evolution 08 Ultimate Stick 2021

by Mercian

Mercian Evolution 08 Ultimate Stick 2021

The NEW Mercian Evo 0.8 offers a 60% carbon stick in Pro-bend at an exceptional price.

The material lay-up ensures a good level of energy transfer because of the high-quality raw materials and unique resins used in construction, offering high ball speeds from hitting. The secondary materials used in the construction mean that the stick also provides a softness required for accurate stopping and control and protects the joints of younger players that can suffer if a high percentage carbon stick is used repeatedly.

ULTIMATE BEND The Ultimate Bend is the most aggressive low bow that we have ever made, the maxi-mum bend at the lowest legal point enhances drag flicking and aerial skills. It has a shaft weighting to aid stick head speed but still provide power and balance for the slapping and pushing associated with elite level skill execution.